Thursday, 11 August 2011

Yumm for Android

Since Yumm has appeared for iPhone it became real hit in several countries and it has been #1 Top Free game in Russia for 9 days.

Reading comments on iTunes is really amusing and makes us happy for all who have downloaded. However, we have read that a few people actually got scared of Yumm that they even dropped their phone, hopefully, nothing was broken :)

With this success we decided to give opportunity to enjoy Yumm to all Android users and now you can download it from Android Market for free. The port is identical to iPhone version which means that it still supports 11 locales; the same sound effects; the same amazing animation of Yumm.

Download it, enjoy it, tweet about it and let us know what you think about it and what you would like to see in the future versions. But keep your phones firmly and don't drop it ;)

If you are interested in writing about Yumm on your web site, you can use our press kit.